After Work Event "A Cryptocurrency to Save the Planet"

Our After Work Event on November 15 in the new format was a great success! The exciting presentation by Prof. Dr. Rachid Guerraoui of EPFL and the subsequent exchange with aperitif made the evening a great experience.

Prof. Dr. Rachid Guerraoui opened his talk with the question "What are cryptographic currencies and why are they so popular". He vividly illustrated the concepts of cryptocurrencies, using the historical bazaar of Marrakech. The following introduction to the mathematical basics of cryptocurrencies clearly showed us why a more energy-saving solution is urgently needed: currently, just the cryptocurrency Bitcoin causes an annual energy consumption like the whole of Sweden. In the last part of the talk, Prof. Dr. Rachid Guerraoui presented his approach of using randomized sampling to achieve a practically identical result, which however has the potential, to massively save energy.

With his exciting and engaging presentation he was able to pick up laymen as well as technically experienced audience members. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Rachid Guerraoui once again for his presentation as well as his personal commitment to a greener future.

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