June 24: MINT'talk «The state E-ID»

---> this event is booked out!

For our next MINT'talk, we have decided to focus on the current topic of government E-ID. This topic will play a central role in our government projects, in our electronic signature solution eSignR in connection with identification and in other projects within the Glue Group. Given the relevance and potential interest of our MINT community, we have decided to dedicate a special MINT'talk to this topic.

Speaker: Christian Heimann - E-ID specialist (Federal Office of Police fedpol)
Experience first-hand an informative presentation by Mr. Heimann, who, after a brief introduction to the E-ID topic, will reveal more about the technical concept. This not only serves for better understanding but also clarifies initial questions about whether the E-ID can be integrated into your offerings and services. Learn about the challenges and opportunities that may arise for you.

Background of the E-ID
In 2021, the E-ID was rejected in a popular vote, as Swiss citizens did not accept the E-ID offered by the economy. In response, the Federal Council instructed the Federal Department of Justice and Police to design a voluntary state E-ID. This should be available to Swiss citizens from 2026.
Learn more about the state E-ID here.

Organizational details for the MINT’talk
• Date: Monday, June 24, 2024
• Time: 17:15 to 18:15, followed by a small aperitif and networking
• Language: German
• New Location: Südland Forum, Effingerstrasse 15,3008 Bern (due to construction work at Glue)
• Accompaniment: If you wish to register multiple persons, please note this in the "Remarks" field in the registration form
• Registration: Until June 19, 2024 (register here)