Customer event of the Glue Group

On Thursday, March 23, 2017, the long prepared event of the Glue Group, respectively the associated companies consisting of Glue Software Engineering AG, fence IT AG, basis06 AG and Glue Data GmbH was successfully staged for our customers and partners.

Around 80 guests were able to choose from nine thematically differently positioned presentations at this literally magical event. These were combined in three parallel streams and covered topics that we in the Glue Group are currently dealing with. More general topics such as "Threats posed by cyber attacks" were equally represented as those with a technical focus ("Monolithic vs. Microservices Architectures") or even product presentations ("Use of Politmonitor at Spring Session 2017"). Highlight and outstanding was the key note "Illusions in the ICT market - danger or opportunity?" by Christian Bischof, internationally awarded magician, illusionist and doctorate in economics. During the delicious aperitif on the roof terrace, existing relationships were cultivated and new contacts made in many exciting encounters until late into the night.