Fighting cybercrime with Suisse ePolice

In the digital age, we are confronted with numerous risks on a daily basis, where it is often difficult to keep track and act quickly. Our Mobility Solutions team developers once again had the opportunity to work on the Suisse ePolice project, the digital police post of the Swiss police forces. Since the end of March 2023, the "Report Cybercrime Offense" section of Suisse ePolice has been live, giving us the opportunity to report crimes in the digital space directly online as well.

Report cybercrime offenses – simple and straightforward
The Suisse ePolice platform offers a simple and straightforward way to report various types of cybercrime offenses. This includes online shopping fraud, identity theft, and false real estate and housing advertisements. By reporting such crimes online to Suisse ePolice, the police can be supported in the fight against cybercrime.

Suisse ePolice – the online police post of the Swiss police forces
The online police post ensures fast and efficient management of information and supports cooperation at national and cantonal level. In addition to reporting cybercrime offenses, Suisse ePolice continues to offer the following online services and other functions:

  • Thefts: Reports of electrical appliances, vehicles, sports equipment, musical instruments, watches, cameras and license plates can be recorded on Suisse ePolice.
  • Police station search: Dynamic search for police stations with interactive map function, which displays information such as address, phone numbers as well as opening hours of the police stations.
  • Loss of license plates: If a license plate has either been lost or stolen, owners can report the loss via Suisse ePolice.
  • Report property damage: Victims of all kinds of property damage, such as damage to real estate, vehicles, spray-paintings, etc., can file a complaint directly via Suisse ePolice.
  • Weapons acquisition: Since the end of last year, even weapons acquisition and transfer can be reported, according to the EU standards that Switzerland has adopted.

About the development of Suisse ePolice
The frontend of Suisse ePolice was created by our Glue Mobility Solutions team using the frameworks Angular (HTML, SCSS, TypeScript) and Ionic, the backend was developed by Bedag Informatik AG. Thanks to the competence and experience of our team as well as the technology partners from Bern, we were able to create a reliable and user-friendly online platform that meets the requirements of the citizens of Switzerland.

Download Suisse ePolice
Suisse ePolice is a mobile optimized web application that is also available as an app. The app can be downloaded free of charge for iOS and Android.

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